Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

There are all kinds of fathers... our Heavenly Father, our Forefathers, and of course, our dads! It is to them that this post is dedicated.
Since I can't talk about all your fathers, I'll talk about mine. He's strong!

Bison bull strong! 

And I love him dearly, but he's prone to kid stuff from time to time. He'll even admit it if you offer him a big bowl of ice cream without crunchies and with chocolate sauce. 

He's very hard working and has set a great example for all his children - 
both on what to do and what not to do - Thanks Pa!

But all men started with the nurturing of their mothers who also had lessons to share. 

Lessons on how to become a man. They weren't always easy lessons either. 
Some lessons needed to soak in.

Some lessons blew in gently on breezes unseen. 

So, to my big strong dad...who taught me so much. How to be silly. How to be serious - sorta. How to be self sufficient, yet helpful to others. And how to ask my mother first. 
I love you very much. 
Thank you for being so strong and wise like our Forefathers and loving like our  Heavenly Father!

xoxo WD!

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