Sunday, July 17, 2011

Riding out the heat wave!

We're being warned about the excessive heat this weekend into next week! Actually, the heat isn't that's the humidity!
To help you cool off, we're going to flash back to last winter

Doves are gentle - heat and high humidity isn't!

The falls are energizing in any weather...close your eyes and you can hear the rushing invigorating!

Imagine yourself in an arctic region!

How's this for bone chilling?

Hypothermic yet?

Siberian ice caps perhaps? (Not really, it's a frozen Smith Falls)

Frozen combat this summer's heat highway

May all this be a little bit en-deering on a hot humid summer in the Sandhills!
Hope you've been able to cool down for a little bit. If not, remember, the Niobrara River is here to refresh you too - so is Merritt Reservoir. Come and take a dip!'ll be revitalized in no time!

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